1. What?… Boudoir Marathon Sessions on January 8 & 28, 2012 (through out the day).
2. Where?… An amazing Hotel in Sonoma County. I only release these details to those who book!
3. Why?… Do a Boudoir Photography session for YOU, do it for HIM, either way… DO IT! The albums make GREAT gifts for loved ones! Grooms, Husbands, Wasbands (LOL jk), boyfriends, girlfriends, or yourself! I wish I had one from my "pre-baby" body to look back at!! .... and I'm sure my Husband does too LOL!! Don't forget Valentines Day is just shortly after these sessions....the perfect Valentine's Day gift! Calendars can be made as well!
4. Why a marathon session? Allows several Boudoir sessions to be booked at once and you get a beautiful modern hotel room for a discounted price rather fronting the entire cost yourself!
5. But I need some help!… Makeup Artist extraordinaire, Kristy Harris, will be on hand to gussy you up (I highly recommend upgrading to the new hair and make up with each outfit option, You won’t regret it! You can start with the more natural white buttom up shirt and natural hair and build up to the smokey eye and sexy outfit at the end and then something in between! Professional make up makes WORLDS of difference in photography I can't recomend it enough!). All final images will go through a retouching process as well, though they will not need much when you have make up done professionally..…seriously!
6. What should I bring?… Your beautiful self, 2 outfits you wish to wear and any props you want to incorporate. If you are doing this for your honey, including something with his favorite hobby or sports teams is a great idea! or something having to do with his line of work perhaps? E mail me if you need ideas, I am very creative that way! You can always bring more than 2 outfits and I can help you choose the final selections during your consultation that day. Once you add in the props you end up with 3 or 4 different looks even though you only have 2 outfits.
7. And I’m scared!…. Don’t be!!! Kristy and I will be there to make you look fabulous. The boudoir photography shoot will be a super FUN, relaxed, environment and you will leave feeling totally liberated!
8. Is this private?… Absolutely. Your session time is scheduled for you only.
9. Do you have any boudoir photos you've taken that I can see?... Absolutely. I have several sessions under my belt, most of which the clients have only given very limited permission so I don't have enough for a full website or blog. But I do have a couple sample boudoir albums at my home office as well as a private password protected gallery available for those who are interested and would like to see sample photos. Please e mail me for the password.
10. And what happens after?… Your final images will be put in a private, password protected gallery for you to view and order additional products and prints or upgrades! You are given a model release form along with the contract when you sign up for your session, that is where you have the power to give me permission to use some, all, or none of the photos from the session on my website or other promotional materials.
11. How?… Call or email me, Jennifer Bagwell, to reserve your slot, there is only 4 of them available each day!and a few have already been reserved already!
I already have several people inquiring about spots for the Boudoir marathon, so they will go quickly. If you are interested, please let me know as soon as possible. You can email me (jenniferbagwellphotography@yahoo.com) to reserve a spot or to get more information. A $100 non-refundable retainer will be required to hold the date. Can’t wait!
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