I've photographed a handful of births so far and each one is uniquely amazing and an incredible honor to be apart of. The machines, the monitors, the ice chips, the friends and family anxiously waiting, the first breath, the first time that child's parents lay eyes on their baby.... it is all so amazing and so quickly forgotten with the craziness of the first few months of being a parent to a newborn.
Marjorie has had quite a journey the last few years. You can't tell when you are around her though. She is such a positive person with such a presence. There was something about her and Mike that I felt really connected to when I first met them last year. I was so honored when Marjorie said she wanted me to photograph their first born as he came into this world! I finally got the text on the 29th so I headed down to the hospital. After 27 hours of labor the baby was finally tired and there wasn't much progress so the Doctor came in to tell them it was her recommendation to have a C section to get the baby out safely. Marjorie and Mike did what my Husband and I did.... they played hookie on "C section Day" in their birthing class. Who needs to show up that day if you don't PLAN to have a C section??? So like the amazing parents they are they swallowed their nerves and headed down to the OR. First Mike had to get into scrubs, a hair net, and a mask before he was able to head down there. I remember watching him as he put it all on and just seeing all the mixture of emotions and thoughts across his face as he prepared himself... his last 15 minutes as a soon to be Dad.
Since they only allow the Father of the baby into the OR I set my camera on Auto, removed my big ol' speed light and diffuser, and handed it to Mike. Gave him and the nurse a quick tutorial and sent them on their way. Once they were out of surgery and they had brought the baby back to the nursery I was able to grab my camera and snap a few shots of the family gazing in the nursery window and several of them giving him his first bath and of Mike just in awe of his new baby! Such an incredible night!
I later came to Mike and Marjorie's home a few days later to take Jordan's newborn photos.... I will post those later but for now please enjoy a look at Jordan Peterson's first day of life!
Marjorie was craving a big glass of fruit punch but they don't let you eat or drink much they really only give you ice chips but she was goin on 24 hours and after she found a nice nurse willing to break the rules she brought her a Popsicle!! I've never seen anyone enjoy something more!
here is the shot of Mike as he was putting on his mask just before heading down to the Operating room.... this is one of my favorite shots!
When you have a C section they take the baby over to the warmer and get him cleaned up and the nurses have their way with the baby for a few minutes while the Dad gets to "cut the cord" and sit there and watch. Meanwhile Mom is lying on the table trying not to freak out because you can hear your baby cry and hear everyone gushing over him but you can't see him yet. It's a terrible tortuous 5 minutes! I love that the nurse was able to capture the first glimpse Marjorie got of Jordan...
I love this too, Marjorie as she is looking at her baby for the first time and then her Brothers and other family and friends all gathered around the nursery window as they later see him for the first time!
Marjorie and Mike are the best parents! I am so happy for them and so excited to be there to capture them through out this journey! I will post Jordan's newborn photos next week! But for now here's a tiny teaser...
Jen this is absolutely amazing. You truly have a gift and I am so thankful that you were able to capture such wonderful pictures. I knew the minute I met you that you were someone special and that I had met a life time friend. I am so thankful to have you in my life an I look forward to many play dates and fun times.
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