I LOVED photographing Lauren and Shay! They are so in love and it is infectious! Shay couldn't stop looking at Lauren and when she'd finally look back and catch him just gazing at her, he would smile from ear to ear! It was so wonderful to watch! They made for amazingly easy people to photograph! They were so laid back and wonderful to work with, when you have a couple like this that is so in love and just laid back you can really photograph them all day! They were so great about it, letting Jihan and I take them here and take them there and move them into this pose and that pose and oh wait lets use this lens ok no now let's do this! They just really didn't pay much attention to us and our excitement and they just kept canoodleing (sp? is that even a real word?) anyways...a huge thanks to Lauren and Shay for being who they are and inspiring me that day. And a very big thank you to Jihan Cerda!!
I love a girl that can rock flip flops even on her wedding day!
ok please look close! Lauren had a BEE land on her hand during the ring exchange!!!!!! She didn't even flinch!!!! If it was me I would have totally made a spectical and totally ended up on You Tube!!
so hot!