I rarely second shoot for other photographers but when Jihan Cerda of Jihan Cerda Photography and I met I think we instinctively knew we would really enjoy working together. I had been drooling over her blog and website for months working up the courage to call her just to chat photography (man I'm pathetic, like I am photographer dating or something) finally I had a great excuse! Ben wanted to take new family photos! who better to take them than the photographer I've been drooling over for months, waiting for an excuse to connect with her! I have to say she was just as nice as her reputation! and we LOVE our family photos.
Anyways (enough about my photographer stalkerish ways) we both got to talking one night about branding, albums, photography, and among many other things...2nd shooting for each other. Sp she came along with me for Stephanie and Sean's wedding and we had a blast! So to pay her back for hanging out with me for an entire day I did the same for her at Shay and Lauren's wedding at the Petaluma Golf and Country Club. What an amazing experience it was to get to see how another photographer operates!
Because I almost always have a 2nd photographer working my weddings with me, I don't often get to photograph the guys before the wedding. It had been some time since I had shot a wedding solo and had to hop over to both getting ready locations. So I was a little "guy" rusty! Guys are typically camera shy (to put it nicely) they usually get dressed at the very last second and they are not "excited" about their picture being taken and are most definitely not excited about going to another spot 10 feet away to take ANOTHER photo that seems just the same as the last.
Shay and his groomsmen were awesome! They were such great sports! I treated my time with them as I usually do with the girls so we went to several spots all over the venue putting them in various poses.... including the dog of course!!!! and they never once complained! They went with it and we laughed the entire time!
Jihan is an amazing photographer to work with and she inspires me everyday. I am so fortunate to have her as a friend and person to collaborate with. She has made my work stronger and given me more confidence.
I only have time to post some of the shots I took when the guys were getting ready but later tonight I hopefully will post the ones I took through out the day and it is easily said that had it been Jihan taking the shot at the time it would have been just as good if not better! But I was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to take the shot!
gotta love men, aspirin, beer, and a sponge all you really need! and sometimes I see things and I am reminded about how much technology has changed in even a few short years. I wanted to capture the playlist they guys were listening too but also the fact that it was through their media center on the computer which was hooked up to the LCD. 30 years from now when their kids are getting married it might be a funny comparison to see what they are listening to their music from!

I love when couples text each other before the big day!

Shay and his about to be mother in law and his Mama! I love my son so much so I'm a sucker for Groom's and their Mamas!

This one's for Lauren........... she said this was her favorite pose that Shay does! My Husband has a similar one but that doesn't come out until the 2nd bottle of wine!