To me, a great set of photos is a balance between strong technical skill, personal style from the photographer, style from the subject, and creativity. When you get a right balance of those things you get a picture that captures the spirit of the subject or in the case of newborn photography, captures the spirit of the family that loves them so much! If I'm in their home I can see the decor, the furniture, the little things like the cigar box or a sign that is hanging in the kitchen. The littlest of things can sometimes really add the perfect final touches to a newborn photo. Something that has meaning when the child grows up and asks about that box they were in, or that sign that was in the photo.
From the second I walked into the Grimm Family home, which happened to be the original school house in Sonoma, I was in awe! I could barely hold a conversation with them because I was sucked into the details that were in their home. Nick had re-done the interior walls but used the same color and same texture and style just with new paint. They collected old pieces from the property and from family and friends and used them as decor in the most creative ways! Their home was the most perfect balance of old eclectic and vintage with modern color and style. Their bedroom looked like it was right out of a Pottery Barn catalog! Nick took old wood boards and nailed them up as crown molding! It looked so amazing! He even hand made Henry's crib to look like an old waggon!!! There is not one single thing that I used in these photos that was a "prop" everything in these photos are things that either serve a purpose in the home or they are apart of their decor! I honestly have dreamed of owning a studio just exactly like that where each room has endless possibilities, where every room pared with different "things" lying around the house and then paired with my clients would keep me inspired from now until eternity!! Needless to say....... I big huge pink puffy heart the Grimm Family and their home! oh and Henry Ford Grimm is such a super cute adorable little baby boy!!!! can't forget about him!!!
so stinking cute. make me want to have another baby just so you can take her picture.