So as I go through this journey as a Mom I start to connect the memories that I treasure from my childhood to the memories and opportunities I have to make memories for my own children. My son briefly attended Kindercare a couple half days a week so that he could enjoy a little social interaction and so Mommy could have some alone time with Isabella and maybe get some work done! With crazy wedding season here we decided to have someone come to the house and watch the kids 2 days a week so we had to trade in Aidan's pre-school in order to make that work. The biggest benefit we saw to Kindercare was the friends he made. Everyday that he'd go to school, the second we'd get there he'd look for Gio and Peegan (Keegan). Everytime I'd talk to him about his day he'd tell me all about Gio, Peegan and often Iby (Ivy). It didn't take me long to figure out which ones Gio and Peegan were! They were the other 2 little boys in the class that were just like Aidan!! Ivy was harder to spot. How to you picture what your son's first baby crush looks like?? I finally got to meet little Miss Ivy at a birthday party and she couldn't have been cuter! She reminds me of me when I was a little girl with white blonde hair always in french braided pig tails! She is a doll and always has her big brother in tow! I love it! Aidan will quickly be that older brother looking after his little sister!!!
Luckily since we've stopped taking Aidan to Kindercare we have been able to get Aidan together with Gio and Keegan at a couple Birthday parties. We invited the boys over for Isabella's Party and I was so delighted that they both were able to make it. I thought I'd post a cute picture I took of the 3 boys. Now if you have boys and they've hit the age of 3 you know how hard it is to get 1 3 year old boy to sit for a picture let alone 3 3year olds...ok no not just 3 year olds these are 3 boys of a very special, crazy, wild, active, rambunctious nature. So I thought I'd share the rare catch!

From left to right Gio, Keegan, and Aidan
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