I can't possibly have more sympathy for Kirsten and Ray! I mean wow! My 2 year old is more than I can handle at times....ok who am I kidding he is more than I can handle at all times! but they don't just have 1 they have 2!!!! and a boy and a girl must just add one more dynamic to the situation!
Kirsten and I have known each other since before we had kids and Husbands! and let me tell you this woman is still as gorgeous as the day I laid my jealous eyes on her! So it is no suprise that she has a beautiful set of 2 year old twins! I was fortunate enough to photograph their family portraits year before last before the twins were even a year old! So when Kirsten e mailed me asking if I would do another photo shoot with them I was thrilled! I think we both planned for this amazing "Spring Time" shoot in the mustard fields but of course Sonoma County had other plans for us! We were fortunate enough to catch the pocket between rain storms, which meant wet grass, puddles and mud, mud, and more mud. And if you are the proud owner of a toddler of any stage you know that wet anything, mud, and toddlers...well they don't mix so well! But Kirsten and I were DETERMINED to get this done! So we put on our rain boots and pranced through the muddy mustard fields and then headed downtown with some loli pops where they dressed the kids in super cute spring outfits and wrapped them in blankets in between shots! I mean this family was really a set of troupers!
Let me just tell you, though I fully anticipated the "2 year old chase" I was exhausted when I got home! You can't expect a 2 year old to just sit and look pretty for the camera so I did what I do best. I played with the kids and tried to photograph them having fun and hanging with their family. As you look through the pictures you'll see many of them with a serious look on their faces... that was almost always the moment just before they were about to jet off in another direction in search of their next adventure! So this photo shoot will be more shots of their backs as they climb things or shots of them as they are about to get into something they shouldn't. As the years go by I'm sure I'll capture plenty of them posing with their pearly whites, looking perfect! But for now it's running shoes and actions shots for us!
...oh and did I meantion that I couldn't narrow it down??? So there are lots of shots for you to enjoy!
...you'd think that the easiest way to stop a 2 year old in their tracks and get some great shots would be to give them a giant loli pop the size of their heads. But, noooooo! Anytime we got near them they immediately thought we were coming to take it away! They didn't want to sit with their loli pops or do anything accept find a space unoccupied by anyone else and be left alone with their precious piece of heaven! Just look at Brianne's face, candy coma!!!
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