Jill is and always has been a beautiful, fun, kind-hearted person. She was always the one I joked around with and had lots of fun with. Though 14 years has passed and a million things have changed, nothing about Jill's spirit has changed a bit. As my assistant photographer put it, "she is timeless, she has a timeless beauty about her, such style"
I met Adam almost 2 years ago. Immediately I knew he was a great fit for Jill. He is such a kind man with just the right personality to compliment Jill's. They make such a wonderful team.
I was more than happy to be given the honor of capturing the memories of their "big day" I flew down to Southern California, both kids in tow, and shot the first half of the day and let my assistant shoot the reception while I celebrated along with them as a guest. Now as I have begun to sort through the thousands of images we both captured I couldn't help but pull out a few of my favorites so far. There are many more but I just wanted to post a few as a little teaser....there will be many more to come! along with some old H.S. photos!! Jill, you know I have to post some old photos! I just have to! That is when this whole photography obsession of mine started! They are 35mm so I will have to scan them and they might date me a little bit!
Thank you Jill, for being who you are and for everything you've done for me.