I had the pleasure of being present for the birth of Rylan Grace Crosbie. My best friend, Trinity and her husband gave me the best gift of all and that was to be there for her birth. It was the most amazing experience second to my own son's birth. I came back up North to Sonoma County 5 weeks later for the birth of another friend's baby (pictures to come in a few days). So I spent a day with the Crosbie's taking photos of baby Rylan. We took some family photos and some of just the 2 kids and some of Trinity's Mom and her grandbabies! Matt is a police detective with the Santa Rosa Police Department so we got the good idea to put Rylan in his vest with Matt and to put his badge around her neck. We could hardly get her to sleep the whole photoshoot but of course when we put her in the vest she stayed sound asleep!! We had a great time! Here are a few of the photos. There are more posted on the website under newborn and some under family.